Introduction to the Accountability Post 2021 Week 34
This week reminded me why it’s good to write as often as possible. Namely, because real life can intrude at any moment! Fortunately, most of real life’s assault caused no permanent damage, and some of it was actually positive! But in my case, since I want to write at least three times a week in two hour increments, it’s best if I try to write five times a week. Then, if I miss one or two, I can stay on target.
Speaking of targets, how did I do this week?
Accountability Post 2021 Week 34 By the Numbers
In my previous reporting period, I had written 7,823 words to take the total to 63,650 words. Here’s what this week looked like:

The counts were lower, but I still made progress!
Last week, I wrote 6,972 words to push the total to 70,622. The per week count is lower than last week’s count, and I wasn’t thrilled with it. I’d like to cruise around 2,500 words a session. But I still had some design work to do on the German Blue Fleet, and as I mentioned in the introduction, real life launched a sneak attack. So, I’m telling myself I should be happy that I was able to write as much as I did!
I got to a point in the story where the investment in the Blue Fleet began to pay off. For most of the first book, the protagonists did not directly interact with the antagonists. Lots of the conflict happened through proxies. This time, one of the protagonists had to deal directly with an antagonist in the Blue Fleet. I wondered if the character sheets I’d written would support the weight.
Of course, I can’t tell until a reader reacts to it. But from what I could see, everything seemed to work smoothly. I really hope readers agree!
Scorecard: Goals
Previous Week’s Goals
- Finish Malhotra’s Pinch 1: Done!
- Finish Atticus Porter’s Pinch 1: Nope
- Work on Stein’s Pinch 1: Nope
- As a stretch objective, start on Liam Martin’s Pinch 1: Nope
Not a stellar showing. I’m not sure if my planning ability, my execution, or both are suspect! Guess I’ll have to monitor to figure it out.
Next Week’s Goals
I read through the previous and next plot points and decided to shuffle a few around. Nothing substantial. Most of it was for timing purposes. Here’s what I hope to accomplish this coming week:
- Finish Helmine Stein’s Pinch 1
- Finish Atticus Porter’s Pinch 1
- Start Liam Martin’s Pinch 1
I may need to do some set design for #2, so we’ll see what impact that has on the schedule!
Do you set weekly or monthly goals? What other mechanism do you use to measure your progress? Please feel free to let me know in the comments!
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