Introduction to the Accountability Post 2022 Week 04
I’ve never taken a manuscript all the way through to publishing. That means it’s hard for me to know exactly what needs done in which order. I’m beginning to understand that some tasks can wait and some tasks can’t. Then there are other tasks I’m not sure about! Before we talk more about that, let’s look at the week’s progress.
Accountability Post 2022 Week 04 By the Numbers
I got caught up in creating the plot braiding worksheet for the third book. I think that’s a good thing!
In my post last week, I said my highest priority was researching book covers. After thinking about it for a while, I think I can push that out a little. The cover is almost the last thing I need before I publish. I could use it to build the e-mail list, I suppose, but since the book’s not published, I think using the lead magnet’s cover is enough for now.
My second priority was researching audio book recording methods. I still want to do that, but I won’t need those techniques until the end of February when the proof read edit for Evolution’s Hand Book 1: Executive Action is done.
That left my third priority, which was to begin plotting Evolution’s Hand Book 3: Primary Target. So that’s what I spent my time doing last week! I’ve selected a new point of view character for one the arcs, since the previous occupant died at the end of the second book. I had to build out this character and family, as well as design the set for her family’s home and Corporate Headquarters. I have to say that was a lot of fun!
You might ask if I should be working on the e-mail list. Yes, I should. Actually, I am. I’m letting Code Blue, the short story lead magnet, sit for a couple of weeks before I can edit it. I’m trying to decide if I should try to use Fiverr to select a proof reader. That would give me some experience with a body of editors outside of Reedsy. My wife said she might want to edit it, if she has time. So, I’ll see where things stand in another week or so.
Prioritizing the Work: What Can Wait?
I mentioned earlier that I think I can wait on the covers. At the same time, I think I can (and should) accelerate plotting for Primary Target. Those things make sense to me. I can see how they’ll affect the workflow before and after.
I’m not so sure, though, about looking into what it’ll take to produce an audio book. I’ve done some voice work before, so I have a limited understanding of the technology. Or do I? I took a quick look at the technical requirements for the audio book recording, and I have to say, a lot of it was unfamiliar. It made me wonder if I’m setting myself up for delay!
I really enjoy the part of the process where I get to build the cast and select locations and sets. So much so that I need to be careful I don’t just do that all the time!
I don’t want to delay plotting on the third book. I’m feeling the itch to write and simultaneously feeling the negative voices in my head get stronger the longer I’m away from writing. I think whatever I can do to get myself back to writing is a good thing.
On the bright side, if I don’t don’t get an audio book produced, it’s something I can add later. It would help to have it present at launch. But a shoddy production on my part would make things worse, and I can’t produce an audio book without a manuscript! That tells me I need to keep the bulk of my time focused on writing books. That’s the heart of this whole effort!
Goals for the Week in Accountability Post 2022 Week 04
Given what I think I understand about priorities, here’re my goals for this week:
- Continue plotting Evolution’s Hand Book 3: Primary Target. If all goes well and I can avoid Real Life Family Events (RLFEs) and Real Life Work Events (RLWEs), I might be able to get the first draft of the plot braiding worksheet done before my next Accountability Post!
- Research standards for audio recording to better inform my decision about narrating my own audio book.
- Begin editing Code Blue, the lead magnet for the series’ e-mail list.
What Do You Think?
Have you ever recorded an audio book? How much is it like recording a podcast or training video? I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments!