Book Review

Heaven’s River Book Review

Quick Summary of Heaven’s River In Heaven’s River by Dennis E. Taylor, there’s trouble in the Bobiverse. A lot of it. The Pav still feel quite put out regarding the loss of their homeworld. There’s discontent brewing among the ever-expanding number of Bob clones — with each subsequent generation seeming less and less Bob-like. There’s […]

Book Review News

Expeditionary Force Book Review

Quick Summary of Expeditionary Force On Columbus Day, an alien race named the Ruhar struck Earth. But for some inexplicable reason, they didn’t just rain fire from orbit. Troops actually landed. One transport touched down in a Maine, United States town where Army sergeant Joe Bishop happened to be visiting on leave. Wanting to do […]

Book Review News

The Quantum Garden Book Review

Quick Summary of The Quantum Garden In The Quantum Garden, Belisarius Arjona and Cassandra Mejía, as members of the homo quantus race, are just like us “normal” homo sapiens — except that they can perceive the quantum universe and have boundless engineered curiosity. Arjona and Mejía had just finished using those quantum talents to help […]

Book Review

Space Carrier Avalon (Castle Federation Book 1) Book Review

Quick Summary of Space Carrier Avalon There’s still some life left in the old Deep Space Carrier Avalon. Wing Commander Kyle Roberts is part of the plan to wring one more mission out of the old, storied carrier. Captain Malcolm Blair is another part. Together, they have to root out the corruption that has taken […]